April 18, 1997 - Cornett Says
Satan Will Help Her
One of the suspects charged with the Baileyton killings
last week told a national wire service yesterday she had been talking to demons since she
was two years old. Eighteen year old Natasha Wallen Cornett told an Associated Press
reporter that she believes Satan will help her. Cornett says a series of events in her
life caused her to turn to the occult. Cornett, who claims to be an anti-Christ and the
daughter of Satan, is one of four adults held in Greene County on murder charges in
connection with last week's tragedy in Baileyton. Two other juvenile suspects are still in
jail in Arizona, awaiting extradition proceedings.
An attorney for one of the suspects in the Baileyton killings says the five other suspects
are blaming the shooting on the fourteen year old suspect in the case. But a lawyer for
one of the other suspects says the question has arisen whether the older defendants are
trying to pin the murders on Jason Blake Bryant because he could not face the death